Welcome to Darmstadt

City of Science or Centre of Culture? Darmstadt is both. Like almost no other city, it combines an appreciation of the arts with a passion for science and innovation. Darmstadt still has the charm of a royal capital – at the same time it is a modern city, a laboratory for cultural as well as scientific experiments.


The journey started on the Mathildenhöhe with the forming of the Artists' Colony, a group of artists whose exhibitions enjoyed worldwide recognition and who created a document of modern forms of construction and housing - starting point for modern industrial design.    


Before the title “City of Science” was bestowed on Darmstadt in 1997, the city was recognised as “City of the Arts”. In fact, both sides go hand-in-hand, recognising that the combination of tradition and innovation is the “Darmstadt Way” to discover new things – here and throughout the world.  

Discover Darmstadt

Café Restaurant Mathildenhöhe


Café Restaurant Mathildenhöhe

We are delighted to once again be able to pamper you with culinary delights in the heart of the Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt World Heritage Site with a view of the historic plane tree grove, the Wedding Tower, the Russian Chapel and the Lily Basin.


After operating our café on the gallery in the entrance foyer of the exhibition building until 2012, we are now happy to welcome you as our guests in this unique, listed ambience.


Our bar and lounge area invites you to travel back in time to the late 19th century. We are located here in the so-called Schieberkammer of the historic drinking water reservoir, which was built in 1878/1879 and supplied Darmstadt with drinking water until 1994.




Mon: creative break

Tue - Sun: 10 am to 6 pm


Evening events by arrangement.


Summer terrace - weather permitting - until 10 pm

Darmstadt Wine Festival - 29. August to 1. September 2024

Darmstadt Wine Festival - 29. August to 1. September 2024

From Thursday, 29th of August, to Sunday, 1st of September 2024, various wine and gastronomy stands invite visitors to take a culinary stroll, taste, enjoy and linger in Wilhelminenstraße.


Numerous wineries from Hessian wine-growing regions such as the Bergstrasse and the Rheingau, from Rheinhessen and the Palatinate as well as from the Nahe will present their fine wines at the stands. Among them are many family-run businesses as well as vintners who have specialised in organic viticulture or grow special grape varieties.



Opening hours of the wine festival:

Thursday to Saturday: 12 noon to midnight

Sunday: 12 noon to 9 pm


Sunday shopping

On the occasion of the Darmstadt Wine Festival, the shops in the city centre will be open for shopping on Sunday (1st of September) from 1 to 6 pm.

schön[schee] - conceptstore für Kunst, Design und Handwerk


schön[schee] - conceptstore für Kunst, Design und Handwerk

conceptstore for art, design and craft


Pop Up Store May & June 2024


Opening hours Wed-Sat 10 -18:30

Open Day at the House of History - Sunday, 8 September 2024

Open Day at the House of History - Sunday, 8 September 2024

Discover more than 1,200 years of Hessian history! At the Open Day on 8 September, the Haus der Geschichte will open its doors from 11:00 to 17:00 with a programme for the whole family: there will be numerous guided tours of the archives, advice and expert consultations, a book flea market, children's games, films on the history of Darmstadt and much more. Coffee and cake will be served.

House of History


House of History

From 4 June to 30 August 2024, the Darmstadt City Archive will be presenting its holdings from the estate of Darmstadt travel writer and photographer Milli Bau (1906-2005), who travelled the world from the 1950s to the 1990s but also spent several decades of her life in Darmstadt, for the first time in the foyer of the Haus der Geschichte (Karolinenplatz 3).


While the exhibition shown at the same time in the TUD Art Forum focuses on Bau's travelling activities in Asia, Africa and America, the exhibition at the City Archive is biographical in nature and uses photos, letters, manuscripts and books to show the various stages in the life of Milli Bau, who spent her childhood and youth and her twilight years in Darmstadt. With this exhibition, the city archive is presenting a personality after whom a street in Eberstadt has been named since 2022.


The exhibition will be opened by Lord Mayor Hanno Benz on Tuesday, 4 June at 6 pm. City archivist Dr Peter Engels and historian Dr Manfred Efinger will speak about the exhibition.


Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. and on the dates of the following accompanying events: Special opening on Heinerfest Saturday, 6 July, from 1 pm; special guided tours on Saturday, 22 June, 3 pm and on Saturday, 6 July, at 3.30 pm and on request (contact: stadtarchiv@darmstadt.de). On Wednesday, 10 July, Dr Manfred Efinger will give the lecture ‘Milli Bau - eine Biografie entsteht: Workshop report’.


Admission is free. The exhibition is barrier-free.

"Wiesion" special exhibitioin at the bioversum - 31. October 2024

"Wiesion" special exhibitioin at the bioversum - 31. October 2024

The bioversum is part of the BioDivKultur project. This exhibition on insects, spiders, meadows and mowing was created as part of the project. What exactly are insects and spiders? What are meadows and how did they develop? What does haymaking have to do with insects and why does mowing not only concern people with their own lawns? The "Wiesion" exhibition is dedicated to all these questions and many more.


The exhibition will be on display again from Friday, 22 March 2024, when it will be expanded to include new stations, audio elements, games and an accompanying app. In addition to a wealth of background information, the app contains an interactive map that links to the "Points of Insects" campaign, which highlights various types of urban nature in the city of Darmstadt and tells the story of the different areas.




Location: Kranichstein Hunting Lodge Park

The castle park is open daily from 9:00 to 19:00.

Admission free.

Future History Tour "Darmstadt City"

Future History Tour "Darmstadt City"

Time travel through Darmstadt's city centre!

With "Future History" historical views of the city can be compared with today's. What has changed, what has remained the same?


Darmstadt was the capital and residence of the Hessian landgraves and grand dukes, capital of the Grand Duchy of Hesse until 1919, then capital of the People's State of Hesse until 1933 and the State of Hesse until 1945. Darmstadt lost its status to Wiesbaden, due to the severe war destruction.


In the reconstruction phase after 1945, the city concentrated on its importance as a city of science and culture. Today Darmstadt has over 160,000 inhabitants and a lively city centre with numerous sights, shopping streets, restaurants, parks and green spaces.


Via the Future History App (available in Google Play and in the AppStore) you can also be guided directly to the individual locations and fade in the historical views with AR (Augmented Reality).

Darmstadt Card - public transport and cultural & leisure facilities

Darmstadt Card - public transport and cultural & leisure facilities

The Darmstadt Card is available as a one-and two-day ticket, it includes the use of all public transport in the city area (fare zone 40) and discounts to numerous cultural facilities.


The Darmstadt Card is valid for 1 day at the price of 6 € or for 2 days at the price of 9 €.



Public transport

Free use of public transport (bus and tram) in fare zone 40 (includes Darmstadt, Erzhausen, Messel, Roßdrof, Ober-Ramstadt, Modau, Nieder-Beerbach, Pfungstadt, Griesheim, Weiterstadt) for 1 person on one or two consecutive days.


Free admission

Kunsthalle Darmstadt


Price reduction

for tours and pedelec rentals from Darmstadt Marketing GmbH


Reduced Admission to cultural & leisure facilities

bioversum Kranichstein, Eisenbahnmuseum Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Großherzoglich-Hessische Porzellansammlung, Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Hochzeitsturm, Literaturhaus Darmstadt (Hauptprogramm), MUSEUM Jagdschloss Kranichstein, Museum Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt, Schlossmuseum Darmstadt, Staatstheater Darmstadt (Repertoirevorstellungen), Bezirksbad Bessungen, DSW Freibad, Mühltalbad Eberstadt, Naturbad Großer Woog, Nordbad



Free of charge

info broschure at the Weißen Turm

Infopoint Mathildenhöhe


Infopoint Mathildenhöhe

The "Infopoint Mathildenhöhe" is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 5 pm.


In addition to information on the World Heritage Site "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt", tickets for the guided tours of Mathildenhöhe and the "Mathildenhöhe Card" are also available here.


The Infopoint is also meeting and starting point for guided tours.


The Infopoint is located in Olbrichweg, on the north side of the exhibition building (rear side), between the Wedding Tower and the Hochschule Darmstadt h_da.




Refill partner:

In all participating shops in Darmstadt you can have your drinking bottles filled with tap water free of charge.

Luisenplatz und Langer Lui

Luisenplatz und Langer Lui

Looking down over Luisenplatz, the biggest and busiest square in the centre of Darmstadt, is the Ludwigs Monument, affectionately known to the locals as „Langer Ludwig“ in memory of Grand Duke Ludwig the first. The main building on the north side of the square, the Kollegiengebäude, was built in the eighteenth century and today houses the regional council. A further statue in the square pays tribute to Justus von Liebig, who was born in Darmstadt in 1803.



From April to October, the Lange Ludwig is open for visitors every 1st Saturday of the month. 172 steps lead to the viewing platform at 30 m height and in fine weather you can enjoy a great view over the city.


Opening dates 2024:

06.04. from 12-6pm

01.06. from 12-6pm

03.08. from 12-6pm

07.09. from 12-6pm

05.10. from 12-6pm


and at the following events 2024:

28.04. from 1-6pm Darmstadt Mobil (Sunday shopping)

04.07. to 08.07 Heinerfest - opening hours on the website

31.08. from 5-11pm Darmstadt Wine Festival

01.09. from 12-6pm Darmstädter Weinfest (Sunday shopping)

Raus in die Region - Raus ins Grüne

Raus in die Region - Raus ins Grüne

Darmstadt is not only located in the FrankfurtRhineMain region, but is also the gateway to the Bergstrasse and the Odenwald. The region offers diverse landscapes, historical and modern architecture, exciting history, regional delicacies and much more.


There is much to discover.


Frankfurt Rhine-Main is the culturally and economically vibrant region in the heart of Europe.


The Bergstrasse from Darmstadt to Heidelberg offers around 30 castles and palaces along the way and, as a wine region, also offers specialities such as the Red Riesling. The Odenwald invites you to go hiking and cycling, to historic old towns and hidden farms, and offers cultural, culinary and sporting activities.


The Bergstrasse-Odenwald Geo-Nature Park (UNESCO Global Geopark) invites you to discover a charming landscape steeped in history, covering an area of 3800 km² between the Rhine, Bergstrasse, Odenwald, Main and Neckar rivers.

ESA Space Tour (in German only)

ESA Space Tour (in German only)

"ESA Space Tour" is a digital tour of the site of ESA's European Satellite Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt.


As the European Space Agency, ESA is dedicated to the peaceful exploration and use of space. Founded in 1975, it now comprises 22 member states. Through the cooperation of its member states, ESA covers all types of space activities: Space exploration, astronautical spaceflight, Earth observation, transport into space, navigation, space situational awareness and security, technology development and telecommunications, and the promotion of industry.


The digital tour is available in German only.

Special exhibition KAROLINE: "Karoline von Hessen Darmstadt - Nature and Science" - until 31.1.2025

Special exhibition KAROLINE: "Karoline von Hessen Darmstadt - Nature and Science" - until 31.1.2025

March 30, 2024 marks the 250th anniversary of the death of the important personality Karoline von Hessen-Darmstadt (1721-1774), also known as the “Great Landgravine”. The MUSEUM Jagdschloss Kranichstein is honoring this historic event with an exhibition in cooperation with the Hessian State Archives in Darmstadt.


The exhibition provides a deep insight into the natural and environmental history of the 18th century through the multifaceted personality of the landgravine. Karoline left behind an impressive treasure trove of correspondence, which gives us an insight into her active participation in the scientific discourse of the Enlightenment, in which she acted as the “femme savante” of the Enlightenment. Her letters to personalities such as Frederick II of Prussia, Voltaire, Melchior Grimm and Empress Catherine II of Russia reveal a new sense of nature, which is also reflected in her unusual burial in the Herrngarten.


Karoline's lifelong friendship with King Frederick II of Prussia and her participation in the literary “Circle of the Sensitive” in Darmstadt, to which the young Goethe also belonged, shaped her intellectual world. Objects from renowned institutions such as the Kranichstein Hunting Lodge, the Hessian State Museum Darmstadt and the Darmstadt University and State Library are presented in the exhibition.


Interactive design elements, such as audio stations with original quotes from the landgravine's letters, bring to life the natural history perception of Karoline. The exhibition highlights the current relevance of topics such as the relationship with nature, the availability of nature and the changing understanding of nature.

DA Instagram Point

DA Instagram Point

The ‘DA Instagram Point’ is a new photo spot in Darmstadt. The oversized, planted DA letters made of steel offer a new photo motif not only for guests but also for Darmstadt residents. After the station on Friedensplatz, the ‘DA Instagram Point’ will also travel to other places and sights in Darmstadt.

Darmstadt Arts and Crafts Market - 17th and 18th of August 2024

Darmstadt Arts and Crafts Market - 17th and 18th of August 2024

If you are looking for an unusual piece for your home, an original gift or a special piece of jewellery, the traditional Darmstadt arts and crafts market on the Friedensplatz is just the place for you.


On the third weekend in August, artisans will once again present all kinds of works made of wood, glass and ceramics, metal, precious stones, fabric and leather. Between the Hessisches Landesmuseum and the city centre, there is plenty of space for the stalls and workshops and the exhibitors.

Guided tours

Whether science, culture or life - there are tours in Darmstadt on all topics. "Darmstadt at a glance", "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt - UNESCO World Heritage" or a guided tour bei bike through the city, you decide which facet of Darmstadt you would like to get to know first.



Partner of the DARMSTADT CARD:

Free participation in a public guided tour of Darmstadt Marketing GmbH (except for ESA/EUMETSAT, Aurora DeMeehl and experience tours).





Guided tours are offered for people with walking disabilities, visual impairments or hearing impairments. The guides are trained so that wheelchair users, for example, can take part in every tour.


Depending on the topic of the tour, the route may be accessible to wheelchair users without steps (e.g. the tour "Darmstadt at a glance"). Please contact us if you have any questions so that we can discuss the details and advise you on the most suitable tour.

Discover World Heritage: Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt and Messel Pit Fossil Site - with the Darmstadt Card

Discover World Heritage: Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt and Messel Pit Fossil Site - with the Darmstadt Card

The Museum Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt and the Wedding Tower on Mathildenhöhe as well as the Messel Pit Fossil Site are partners of the Darmstadt Card.


Individual visitors receive a discount with the Darmstadt Card when visiting the Museum Künstlerkolonie, the Wedding Tower and the Messel Pit Visitor Centre. The bus line "FM" connects the World Heritage Site "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt" with the World Heritage Site "Messel Pit Fossil Site" and can be used free of charge with the Darmstadt Card.



The Darmstadt Card also includes free participation in a public city tour organised by Darmstadt Marketing GmbH, e.g. via the Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt. In addition, discounts on visits to the Museum Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt, the Wedding Tower and "2 for 1" on visits to the Messel Pit Visitor Centre.

Plane tree wood pens

Plane tree wood pens

The writing utensils made of plane tree wood were created in collaboration with Thomas Hörold, an artisan from Bad-Soden. In the course of the renovation of the plane tree grove on Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt, some trees had to be felled, and now unique writing utensils - ballpoint pens, fountain pens and rollerballs - have been made from them.


Thomas Hörold, who has been an exhibitor at the Darmstadt Arts and Crafts market for many years, has already implemented this project with other cities and is now also giving the woods of the plane tree grove a second life. In the process, the structure and colour, but also one or two special features of the wood come to light. The individual pieces are available in the Darmstadt Shop at the Luisencenter, prices range from 49.00 to 149.00 euros.


pen, plane tree wood: 49.00 €

rollerball pen, plane tree wood: 129.00 €

fountain pen, plane tree wood: 149.00 €

Weekend packages

Weekend packages

Discover Darmstadt and spend a weekend in the City of Science and Culture. Visit the Mathildenhöhe, the Artists' Colony from 1901 to 1914, or the various museums as the Hessian State Museum or the Museum in the Residantial Palace.


Stroll through the Wilhelminenstraße in the city centre and enjoy the view of the Pantheon-like church St. Ludwig. Discover the small shops in Schulstraße and at the Stadtkirchplatz or the more than 450 shops, from internationally renowned brands to small, owner-run shops.


Offers of weekend packages: www.darmstadt-tourismus.de/en/visit/accomodations/packages

Ladenflächen- und Quartiersmanagment - CityLab Darmstadt

Ladenflächen- und Quartiersmanagment - CityLab Darmstadt

The shop space and neighbourhood management (LQM) in the city centre is the central networking and interface between the city administration, tradespeople, public institutions, property owners and citizens.


The LQM moderates, networks and provides ideas, spaces and contacts for the city centre of tomorrow.



Montag 12.30 – 14.00 Uhr

Dienstag 15.00 – 16.30 Uhr

Mittwoch 9.30 – 11.00 Uhr


Contact for ideas: stadtpunkte@darmstadt.de


CityLab Darmstadt

Wilhelminenstraße 25

Darmstadt WiFi

Darmstadt WiFi

With the Darmstadt WiFi users in the city centre have unlimited use of the urban WLAN network. Just select „WiFi Darmstadt“ in your wifi settings and log on at www.service.thecloud.eu.


Here you can use the "WiFi Darmstadt":


Darmstadt city centre

- Luisenplatz

- Wilhelminenstraße

- City Carree

- Ernst-Ludwigs-Platz

- Friedensplatz

- Marktplatz

- Ludwigsplatz

- Stadtkirchplatz

- Schlossgraben

- Karolinenplatz

- BIZ (Bürgerinformationszentrum) (Indoor)

- Darmstadt Shop Luisenplatz (Indoor)




Staatstheater Darmstadt

- in the Staatstheater and

- outdoor on the Georg-Büchner-Platz


City districts Darmstadt

- Arheilgen: Löwenplatz

- Eberstadt: stop Wagenhalle

- Kranichstein: stop Gruberstr./Brentanoanlage

- Wixhausen: Bahnhofstr./Falltorstr.



Wilhelm-Leuchner-Str.: stops Wagenhalle to Platz Bar-Le-Duc


Cooperation HEAG Mobilo

- in front of the main station "Darmstadt Hauptbahnhof"

- Arheilgen stop Dreieichweg

- Kranichstein stop Bahnhof

- Griesheim stop Bar-Le-Duc


Cooperation TU Darmstadt/eduroam

Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, ULB Darmstadt

- ULB Stadtmitte

- ULB Lichtwiese

- stop Botanischer Garten


Cooperation with the Modehaus Henschel at the market square

Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt - UNESCO World Heritage

Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt - UNESCO World Heritage

The Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt is an ensemble of Wedding Tower, Exhibition Hall, Museum Artists' Colony, plane tree grove and artist houses. It was laid out as the garden of the grand ducal court as early as the 19th century and was one of the most important centres of modern art and architecture in Europe and the world for 14 years, from 1901 to 1914. Its inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2021 underscores its global importance as a pioneer of modernity. .

Shopping with the Darmstadt Gutschein

Shopping with the Darmstadt Gutschein

The vouchers worth 10, 25, 50 or 100 euros can be purchased online and in the Darmstadt shop and redeemed in all participating shops.



Further information at www.darmstadtgutschein.de.

Mathildenhöhe Card

Mathildenhöhe Card

The "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt" World Heritage Site can be easily discovered with the Mathildenhöhe Card.


The Mathildenhöhe Card includes

- use of all public transport in the Darmstadt city area (fare zone 4000) as well as admission to the

- admission to the Darmstadt Artists' Colony Museum and

- admission to the Wedding Tower Darmstadt.


It is available as a 1-day ticket at a price of € 10.00 per person.



Darmstadt Shop Luisencenter
Luisenplatz 5
64283 Darmstadt 
Tel.: +49 6151 - 1345-13
Fax: +49 6151 - 1347-5858


Opening hours:

Monday to Saturday: 10 am to 6 pm


infopoint Mathildenhöhe

Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 5 pm

(The Infopoint is located on the Mathildenhöhe in Olbrichweg, on the north side of the exhibition building (rear), between the Wedding Tower and the Darmstadt h_da University of Applied Sciences.)

World Heritage "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt"

The "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt" has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since July 2021. For more information on Mathildenhöhe and how to get there, click here.

GetYourGuide | Darmstadt Marketing GmbH
