Guided tours in Darmstadt

Discover Darmstadt - with a city tour.

In addition to the weekend classics - ‘Darmstadt at a glance’ and ‘Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt - UNESCO World Heritage Site’ - there are various highlight tours, walks with Aurora DeMeehl or guided tours of the Darmstadt State Theatre.

Whether it's the splendour of blossoms or the search for clues, out into the countryside or into the churches - the guided tours are as diverse as the city itself.

We will be happy to inform you via our newsletter when further topics are added to the programme. The registration form for our newsletter can be found here.

Darmstadt at a glance

Public city tours: Every Sunday, at 11 a.m.

The guided tour is for everyone who would like to know more about the history and present of Darmstadt. It passes by the most important sights of the city centre - such as Luisenplatz and Residential Palace - and ends at the Artists' Colony on Mathildenhöhe, the unique ensemble from around 1900.

meeting point: Darmstadt Shop, Luisencenter
duration: 120 minutes

Book your tickets here!

*Discounts are valid for: pupils/students, pensioners and holders of a severely disabled person's ID card. Accompanying persons (“B” in the ID) must book a free ticket.

This tour takes place bilingually (German/English)!


Barrierefreiheit bei Stadtführungen


Darmstadt Marketing ist Partner des Projekts "Reisen für Alle" und der Darmstadt Shop, die Touristinformation am Luisenplatz, als Einrichtung durch "Reisen für Alle" zertifiziert.


Stadtführungen der Darmstadt Marketing GmbH:

Es werden Führungen für Menschen mit Gehbehinderung, Sehbehinderung oder Hörbehinderung angeboten. Die Gästeführer sind so ausgebildet, dass z.B. Rollstuhlfahrer an jeder Führung teilnehmen können.

Je nach Führungsthema, ist die Route für Rollstuhlfahrer stufenlos befahrbar (z.B. die Führung "Darmstadt auf einen Blick"). Bitte sprechen Sie uns bei Bedarf gerne an, damit wir die Details besprechen und Sie bzgl. der passenden Führung beraten können.



UNESCO World Heritage Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt

Public guided tours: Every Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m.

‘We must build a city, a whole city.’

These words by architect Joseph Maria Olbrich have gone down in history. The Darmstadt ensemble is architecturally and artistically groundbreaking and marks a turning point in architecture and art on the threshold of the 20th century. The tour of the UNESCO World Heritage Site ‘Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt “ tells the story of the entire ensemble with its studio house, exhibition building, artists' houses and park.


This tour includes a visit to the Grosses Haus Glückert, depending on availability.


Meeting point: Infopoint Mathildenhöhe (Olbrichweg 10, h_da car park)

Duration: 90 minutes


The public guided tour on Saturdays at 2pm is always bilingual (German/English)! Another guided tour in only german takes place at 3 p.m.

Book your tickets here!

*Discounts are valid for: pupils/students, pensioners and holders of a severely disabled person's ID card. Accompanying persons (“B” in the ID) must book a free ticket.

This tour takes place bilingually (German/English)!


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Ihr Buchungskontakt

Wissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt Marketing GmbH

Darmstadt Services

Elisabethenstraße 20-22, 64283 Darmstadt

Tel.: +49 (0) 6151 - 1345-11

Fax: +49 (0) 6151 - 1347-5858

GetYourGuide | Darmstadt Marketing GmbH

Accessibility for city tours


Darmstadt Marketing is a partner of the ‘Reisen für Alle’ project and the Darmstadt Shop, the tourist information centre on Luisenplatz, is certified as a facility by ‘Reisen für Alle’.


City tours organised by Darmstadt Marketing GmbH:

Guided tours are offered for people with walking disabilities, visual impairments or hearing impairments. The tour guides are trained so that wheelchair users, for example, can take part in every tour.

Depending on the topic of the tour, the route is accessible for wheelchair users without steps (e.g. the tour ‘Darmstadt at a glance’). If required, please contact us so that we can discuss the details and advise you on the most suitable tour.



Audioguides and Apps

With the Audioguides and Apps for your mobile phone you can get information about the most important sights or make a guides tour via tram.


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Of course it is possible to cancel the tickets you have already booked.

All we need is your booking number.

Simply send us a short e-mail to and we will take care of your request as quickly as possible!

The ticket price will be refunded via the original method of payment.

If you paid for the tickets via PayPal, for example, please check your PayPal account.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.