Guided tours in Darmstadt

Discover Darmstadt!

In addition to the weekend classics - "Darmstadt at a glance" and "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt - UNESCO World Heritage Site" - there are various highlight tours, walks with Aurora DeMeehl or tours of the Darmtadt State Theatre. Whether it's the splendour of flowers or the search for clues, out into the countryside or into the churches - the guided tours are as multifaceted as the city itself.


Book your tickets at the Darmstadt Shop or at the Infopoint Mathildenhöhe (Sat. + Sun., 10am to 5 pm) or online >> Stadtführungen (booking widgets at the moment in German only).

Darmstadt Services

Wissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt Marketing GmbH

Darmstadt Services

Elisabethenstraße 20-22, 64283 Darmstadt

Tel.: +49 (0) 6151 - 1345-11

Fax: +49 (0) 6151 - 1347-5858

GetYourGuide | Darmstadt Marketing GmbH

Darmstadt Card

The Darmstadt Card is available as a one-and two-day ticket, it includes the use of all public transport in the city area (fare zone 40) and discounts to numerous cultural facilities.

Discover Darmstadt on an individual (digital) city walk.

Science Route 4 - Audioguide for tram line 4

Science Route 4 - Audioguide for tram line 4

Darmstadt is the birthplace of numerous inventions which have changed our daily life. International operating companies and research institutions

have their headquarters here. The „Science Route 4“ informs you, on its way from Kranichstein to Griesheim, about the particularities of the various institutions and companies, from the particle accelerator to multimedia developments, aviation and space travel.


How it works: Just dial 089-210 833 7131 + number of the corresponding tram stop. You will get instant information on the selected sight. During the audio tour press 4 to go the the previous section or press 6 to go to the next one.


You can also download the mp3-files on


01 Bahnhof Kranichstein

02 Institutszentrum/Esselbornstr.

03 Gruber-/Siemens-/Borsdorfstr.

04 Eissporthalle/Nordbad/Messplatz

05 Rhönring

06 Pallaswiesenstr./Willy-Brandt-Platz/Luisenplatz

07 Rhein-/Neckarstr./Berliner Allee

08 Mozartturm/Maria-Goeppert-Str./Waldfriedhof/Otte-Hesse-Str.

09 Flughafenstr./St.Stephan/Kantstr.

10 Wagenhalle/Hans-Karl-Platz/Am Markt/Platz Bar-le-Duc



Tip: You can also listen to the „Science Route 4“ on tram number 5 and 9. From Bahnhof Kranichstein to Berliner Allee (sections 1 to 7) with tram number 5, from Berliner Allee to Griesheim with tram number 9.

Future History Tour "Darmstadt City"

Future History Tour "Darmstadt City"

Time travel through Darmstadt's city centre!

With "Future History" historical views of the city can be compared with today's. What has changed, what has remained the same?


Darmstadt was the capital and residence of the Hessian landgraves and grand dukes, capital of the Grand Duchy of Hesse until 1919, then capital of the People's State of Hesse until 1933 and the State of Hesse until 1945. Darmstadt lost its status to Wiesbaden, due to the severe war destruction.


In the reconstruction phase after 1945, the city concentrated on its importance as a city of science and culture. Today Darmstadt has over 160,000 inhabitants and a lively city centre with numerous sights, shopping streets, restaurants, parks and green spaces.


Via the Future History App (available in Google Play and in the AppStore) you can also be guided directly to the individual locations and fade in the historical views with AR (Augmented Reality).

Ostparkweg - from the city centre to the Darmbach source

Ostparkweg - from the city centre to the Darmbach source

The Ostparkweg leads from Darmstadt's city centre along the Darmbach to the east, to the Darmbach source behind the Fischerhütte or as an alternative to the Oberwaldhaus at the Steinbrücker Teich.


The Ostparkweg connects the recreational areas close to the city such as the Rudolf-Müller-Anlage, the Woog, the area around the Botanical Garden with the forest behind the Lichtwiese to the Darmbach spring or via the Oberfeld to the leisure area at the Steinbrücker Teich.

App "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt" - Travel back in time

App "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt" - Travel back in time

With the Mathildenhöhe App you go on a journey through time on Mathildenhöhe. Historical views are superimposed with current images and illustrate how the Mathildenhöhe developed during and after the Artists' Colony.


With the app you can not only navigate to the individual locations but also fade your current perspective with historical images using AR (Augmented Reality).


Download the app for iOS or Android from the AppStore or Google Play unto your smartphone or use teh web-version on

Darmstädter Spazierrouten

Darmstädter Spazierrouten

Darmstadts viele Grünflächen, Radwege, und der umgebende Waldgürtel bieten tolle Routen raus ins Grüne, um dem Stadt-Troubel zu entkommen und einen Tag im Grünen zu verbringen. Doch auch innerhalb der Stadt gibt es Spazierrouten, die den Geist anregen, die Architektur und Stadtgeschichte vermitteln und an deren Wegen so manche Cafés, Parks, und sogar ein UNESCO Welterbe liegen! Die Routen führen über Straßen, Gässchen, und Feldwege, vorbei an Rosenbeeten, Kühen und herrschaftlichen Bauten - Darmstadt ist vielseitig, und perfekt geeignet für eine Entdeckungsreise zu Fuß! 
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Audioguides and Apps

With the Audioguides and Apps for your mobile phone you can get information about the most important sights or make a guides tour via tram.