Darmstadt, simply amazing.
City of Science and World heritage Site? Darmstadt is both. It combines spirit and research, artistic flair and innovative strength like no other city. Darmstadt still has the charm of a royal seat - and is both a city of modernity and an experimental field for culture in the midst of a research landscape.
The awakening began with the founding of the Artists' Colony on the Mathildenhöhe, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2021, whose exhibitions enjoy a worldwide reputation and which link a document of the awakening to modern forms of building and living with the current art scene.
Before Darmstadt was given the title ‘City of Science’ in 1997, it was known as the ‘City of Arts’. In fact, cultural and scientific institutions work closely together, recognising that tradition and innovation pave the ‘Darmstadt way’ - for new things to be discovered in Darmstadt and the world.
Discover Darmstadt

Ihr Eintrag ins Digitale Schaufenster: Onlineformular
Future History Tour "Darmstadt City"
Time travel through Darmstadt's city centre!
With "Future History" historical views of the city can be compared with today's. What has changed, what has remained the same?
Darmstadt was the capital and residence of the Hessian landgraves and grand dukes, capital of the Grand Duchy of Hesse until 1919, then capital of the People's State of Hesse until 1933 and the State of Hesse until 1945. Darmstadt lost its status to Wiesbaden, due to the severe war destruction.
In the reconstruction phase after 1945, the city concentrated on its importance as a city of science and culture. Today Darmstadt has over 160,000 inhabitants and a lively city centre with numerous sights, shopping streets, restaurants, parks and green spaces.
Via the Future History App (available in Google Play and in the AppStore) you can also be guided directly to the individual locations and fade in the historical views with AR (Augmented Reality).
4-3-2-1 Darmstadt - Exhibition Institute Matildenhöhe - until 27. April 2025
+++ Information +++
4-3-2-1 Darmstadt - Exhibition Institute Matildenhöhe - until 27. April 2025
The Institut Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt is celebrating the reopening of the extensively renovated exhibition building with a multifaceted special exhibition on the art topography of Darmstadt. Outstanding paintings, sculptures, graphics, photographs and video art from the Darmstadt Municipal Art Collection shed light on historical events in the city and present extraordinary people who have lived and worked here. A focus is placed on some works by female artists that have never been exhibited before and are waiting to be discovered.
The exhibition tour develops into a journey through 200 years of the art city of Darmstadt and its immediate region. A varied accompanying programme invites visitors to explore the city and its art with new eyes.
Darmstadt walking routes
Darmstadt's many green spaces, cycle paths and the surrounding forest belt offer great routes out into the countryside to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and spend a day in the countryside. But there are also walking routes within the city that stimulate the mind, convey the architecture and history of the city and have many cafés, parks and even a UNESCO World Heritage Site along the way!
The routes lead along streets, alleyways and country lanes, past rose beds, cows and stately buildings - Darmstadt is versatile and perfect for a voyage of discovery on foot!
Darmstadt Card - public transport and cultural & leisure facilities
The Darmstadt Card is available as a one-and two-day ticket, it includes the use of all public transport in the city area (fare zone 40) and discounts to numerous cultural facilities.
The Darmstadt Card is valid for 1 day at the price of 6 € or for 2 days at the price of 9 €.
Public transport
Free use of public transport (bus and tram) in fare zone 40 (includes Darmstadt, Erzhausen, Messel, Roßdrof, Ober-Ramstadt, Modau, Nieder-Beerbach, Pfungstadt, Griesheim, Weiterstadt) for 1 person on one or two consecutive days.
Guided tours
Free participation in a public guided tour of Darmstadt Marketing GmbH (except for ESA/EUMETSAT, Aurora DeMeehl and experience tours).
Price reduction
A one-off 50% discount on the ‘standard 1-day rate’ for pedelec rentals from Darmstadt Marketing GmbH
Reduced Admission to cultural & leisure facilities
bioversum Kranichstein, Eisenbahnmuseum Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Großherzoglich-Hessische Porzellansammlung, Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Hochzeitsturm, Kunsthalle Darmstadt, Literaturhaus Darmstadt (Hauptprogramm), MUSEUM Jagdschloss Kranichstein, Museum Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt, Schlossmuseum Darmstadt, Staatstheater Darmstadt (Repertoirevorstellungen), Bezirksbad Bessungen, DSW Freibad, Mühltalbad Eberstadt, Naturbad Großer Woog, Nordbad
CityLab – Ideenschmiede & Experimentierraum
The CityLab is a central point of contact in the city centre for anyone who wants to actively help shape the transformation of the city centre.
The shop space and neighbourhood management (LQM) networks projects and ideas for vacant spaces in the city centre. Workshops and networking meetings are held regularly in the think tank. New shop concepts and projects can be tried out in the shop area.
Property owners can register their vacant spaces. At the city centre property meeting point, there are keynote speeches on current topics and an exciting exchange of ideas. This is how city centres are created for the city centre of tomorrow.
Temporary shop concepts can be launched in the CityLab and currently in six other spaces by August 2025. Shop space and neighbourhood management at: stadtpunkte@darmstadt.de
Weekend packages
Discover Darmstadt and spend a weekend in the City of Science and Culture. Visit the Mathildenhöhe, the Artists' Colony from 1901 to 1914, or the various museums as the Hessian State Museum or the Museum in the Residantial Palace.
Stroll through the Wilhelminenstraße in the city centre and enjoy the view of the Pantheon-like church St. Ludwig. Discover the small shops in Schulstraße and at the Stadtkirchplatz or the more than 450 shops, from internationally renowned brands to small, owner-run shops.
Offers of weekend packages: www.darmstadt-tourismus.de/en/visit/accomodations/packages
DA Instagram Point
The ‘DA Instagram Point’ is a new photo spot in Darmstadt.
The point fulfils two purposes at once: firstly, it serves as a beautiful photo motif for guests and Darmstadt residents who want to show that they are out and about in the city. Secondly, the Instagram point adds a green accent to the city centre. The letters are made of steel and offer enough space inside for plants and flowers, which are renewed according to the season. The perforated plate on the back allows the plants to entwine and leaves enough space to grow.
The Instagram point is also mobile, so the letters can be placed at various locations in Darmstadt, currently at the darmstadtium, at the start of the Erich-Ollenhauer-Promenade.
So it's worth keeping an eye out for the planted letters in the city centre - where will it find its place next? The locations will be published on www.darmstadt-tourismus.de and on the social media accounts Instagram (@visit.darmstadt) and Facebook (@Darmstadt Citymarketing e.V.).
Previous stations
- Friedensplatz
- darmstadtium / Erich-Ollenhauer-Promenade
- Mathildenhöhe
- Georg-Büchner-Platz
- Ernst-Ludwigs-Platz
The DA letters were manufactured by Seyda Schlosserei, Stahl und Metallbau from Darmstadt and planted by Gartenzentrale Appel from Darmstadt. The green space office is kindly taking over the conversion of the point.
Discover World Heritage: Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt and Messel Pit Fossil Site - with the Darmstadt Card
+++ Information +++
Discover World Heritage: Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt and Messel Pit Fossil Site - with the Darmstadt Card
The Museum Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt and the Wedding Tower on Mathildenhöhe as well as the Messel Pit Fossil Site are partners of the Darmstadt Card.
Individual visitors receive a discount with the Darmstadt Card when visiting the Museum Künstlerkolonie, the Wedding Tower and the Messel Pit Visitor Centre. The bus line "FM" connects the World Heritage Site "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt" with the World Heritage Site "Messel Pit Fossil Site" and can be used free of charge with the Darmstadt Card.
The Darmstadt Card also includes free participation in a public city tour organised by Darmstadt Marketing GmbH, e.g. via the Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt. In addition, discounts on visits to the Museum Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt, the Wedding Tower and "2 for 1" on visits to the Messel Pit Visitor Centre.
Mathildenhöhe Card
The "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt" World Heritage Site can be easily discovered with the Mathildenhöhe Card.
The Mathildenhöhe Card includes
- use of all public transport in the Darmstadt city area (fare zone 4000) as well as admission to the
- admission Exhibition Building with exhibition 4–3–2–1 DARMSTADT
- admission to the Darmstadt Artists' Colony Museum and
- admission to the Wedding Tower Darmstadt.
It is available as a 1-day ticket at a price of € 15.00 per person.
Shopping with the Darmstadt Gutschein
The vouchers worth 10, 25, 50 or 100 euros can be purchased online and in the Darmstadt shop and redeemed in all participating shops.
Further information at www.darmstadtgutschein.de.
Guided tours
Whether science, culture or life - there are tours in Darmstadt on all topics. "Darmstadt at a glance", "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt - UNESCO World Heritage" or a guided tour bei bike through the city, you decide which facet of Darmstadt you would like to get to know first.
Partner of the DARMSTADT CARD:
Free participation in a public guided tour of Darmstadt Marketing GmbH (except for ESA/EUMETSAT, Aurora DeMeehl and experience tours).
Guided tours are offered for people with walking disabilities, visual impairments or hearing impairments. The guides are trained so that wheelchair users, for example, can take part in every tour.
Depending on the topic of the tour, the route may be accessible to wheelchair users without steps (e.g. the tour "Darmstadt at a glance"). Please contact us if you have any questions so that we can discuss the details and advise you on the most suitable tour.
Plane tree wood pens
The writing utensils made of plane tree wood were created in collaboration with Thomas Hörold, an artisan from Bad-Soden. In the course of the renovation of the plane tree grove on Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt, some trees had to be felled, and now unique writing utensils - ballpoint pens, fountain pens and rollerballs - have been made from them.
Thomas Hörold, who has been an exhibitor at the Darmstadt Arts and Crafts market for many years, has already implemented this project with other cities and is now also giving the woods of the plane tree grove a second life. In the process, the structure and colour, but also one or two special features of the wood come to light. The individual pieces are available in the Darmstadt Shop at the Luisencenter, prices range from 49.00 to 149.00 euros.
pen, plane tree wood: 49.00 €
rollerball pen, plane tree wood: 129.00 €
fountain pen, plane tree wood: 149.00 €
Women's history - exhibition at the Schlossmuseum - until 23 February 2025
+++ Information +++
Women's history - exhibition at the Schlossmuseum - until 23 February 2025
Anniversary exhibition | 8 Nov. 2024 to 23 Feb. 2025
Women's history(ies)
Darmstadt princesses and their time
Street signs, squares and hospitals such as Wilhelminenstraße, Carolinenplatz and Alicehospital bear their names. But who were these princesses, whose multifaceted work is still far too rarely honoured today?
Whether regent, style icon or supporter of the emerging women's movement - the anniversary exhibition to mark the 100th anniversary of the Schlossmuseum is about the exciting lives of admirable, strong women from four centuries.
Partner of the DARMSTADT CARD:
reduced admission
Tag der Raumfahrt - 28. + 29. März
Am Tag der Raumfahrt öffnen am 28. und 29. März 2025 viele Einrichtungen ihre Tore oder starten Aktionen zum Mitmachen.
Auch Darmstadt ist mit dabei.
Besuchen Sie ESA und EUMETSAT!
Spannende Führungen in beiden Einrichtungen sowie Thementage mit "Astronautische Raumfahrt" und "Tag der Astronomie".
Alle Informationen und Tickets auf
more informationen
Darmstadt WiFi
With the Darmstadt WiFi users in the city centre have unlimited use of the urban WLAN network. Just select „WiFi Darmstadt“ in your wifi settings and log on at www.service.thecloud.eu.
Here you can use the "WiFi Darmstadt":
Darmstadt city centre
- Luisenplatz
- Wilhelminenstraße
- City Carree
- Ernst-Ludwigs-Platz
- Friedensplatz
- Marktplatz
- Ludwigsplatz
- Stadtkirchplatz
- Schlossgraben
- Karolinenplatz
- BIZ (Bürgerinformationszentrum) (Indoor)
- Darmstadt Shop Luisenplatz (Indoor)
Staatstheater Darmstadt
- in the Staatstheater and
- outdoor on the Georg-Büchner-Platz
City districts Darmstadt
- Arheilgen: Löwenplatz
- Eberstadt: stop Wagenhalle
- Kranichstein: stop Gruberstr./Brentanoanlage
- Wixhausen: Bahnhofstr./Falltorstr.
Wilhelm-Leuchner-Str.: stops Wagenhalle to Platz Bar-Le-Duc
Cooperation HEAG Mobilo
- in front of the main station "Darmstadt Hauptbahnhof"
- Arheilgen stop Dreieichweg
- Kranichstein stop Bahnhof
- Griesheim stop Bar-Le-Duc
Cooperation TU Darmstadt/eduroam
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, ULB Darmstadt
- ULB Stadtmitte
- ULB Lichtwiese
- stop Botanischer Garten
Cooperation with the Modehaus Henschel at the market square
Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt - UNESCO World Heritage
The Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt is an ensemble of Wedding Tower, Exhibition Hall, Museum Artists' Colony, plane tree grove and artist houses. It was laid out as the garden of the grand ducal court as early as the 19th century and was one of the most important centres of modern art and architecture in Europe and the world for 14 years, from 1901 to 1914. Its inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2021 underscores its global importance as a pioneer of modernity. .
Infopoint Mathildenhöhe
The "Infopoint Mathildenhöhe" is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 5 pm.
In addition to information on the World Heritage Site "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt", tickets for the guided tours of Mathildenhöhe and the "Mathildenhöhe Card" are also available here.
The Infopoint is located in the Large Glückert House, Alexandraweg 23.
Note: Access to the Large Glückert House is only possible via stairs.
Refill partner:
In all participating shops in Darmstadt you can have your drinking bottles filled with tap water free of charge.

Darmstadt Shop Luisencenter
Luisenplatz 5
64283 Darmstadt
Tel.: +49 6151 - 1345-13
Fax: +49 6151 - 1347-5858
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday: 10 am to 6 pm
infopoint Mathildenhöhe
Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 5 pm
(The Infopoint is located on the Mathildenhöhe in Olbrichweg, on the north side of the exhibition building (rear), between the Wedding Tower and the Darmstadt h_da University of Applied Sciences.)
World Heritage "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt"
The "Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt" has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since July 2021. For more information on Mathildenhöhe and how to get there, click here.