"Wiesion" special exhibitioin at the bioversum - 31. October 2024

"Wiesion" im bioversum Jadgschloss Kranichstein - Sonderausstellung bis 31.10.2024

The bioversum is part of the BioDivKultur project. This exhibition on insects, spiders, meadows and mowing was created as part of the project. What exactly are insects and spiders? What are meadows and how did they develop? What does haymaking have to do with insects and why does mowing not only concern people with their own lawns? The "Wiesion" exhibition is dedicated to all these questions and many more.


The exhibition will be on display again from Friday, 22 March 2024, when it will be expanded to include new stations, audio elements, games and an accompanying app. In addition to a wealth of background information, the app contains an interactive map that links to the "Points of Insects" campaign, which highlights various types of urban nature in the city of Darmstadt and tells the story of the different areas.




Location: Kranichstein Hunting Lodge Park

The castle park is open daily from 9:00 to 19:00.

Admission free.

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Kranichsteiner Str.261

64289 Darmstadt

+49 6151 971118-88




Darmstadt Shop Luisencenter
Luisenplatz 5
64283 Darmstadt 
Tel.: +49 6151 - 1345-13
Fax: +49 6151 - 1347-5858


Opening hours:

Monday to Saturday: 10 am to 6 pm


infopoint Mathildenhöhe

Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 5 pm

(The Infopoint is located on the Mathildenhöhe in Olbrichweg, on the north side of the exhibition building (rear), between the Wedding Tower and the Darmstadt h_da University of Applied Sciences.)

Shopping with the "Darmstadt Gutschein"

The vouchers worth 10, 25, 50 or 100 euros can be bought online and in the Darmstadt Shop and can be redeemed in about 60 shops and restaurants in Darmstadt.


